If you encounter a suspicious person:

  • Remain calm
  • DO NOT let anyone into a locked room or building without proper authority
  • DO NOT engage in a physical confrontation with the person
  • DO NOT block the person's exit

Call the Police at 9-1-1:

  • Your location
  • Person's behavior
  • Person's physical description
  • Person's location and direction of travel
  • What you saw
  • Where and when it happened
  • Stay on the phone until released by the dispatcher

Signs of Suspicious Person or Activity

  • Anything out of the ordinary
  • A person(s) running or leaving quickly - as if he or she were being watched or chased
  • A person(s) hauling property - lab equipment, laptops, books, bikes - at an unusual time or location
  • A person(s) going door to door in a residence hall or office
  • A person(s) pulling on multiple doorknobs or trying to open residence hall/office rooms
  • A person(s) pulling on car door handles or looking into multiple vehicles
  • A person(s) forcibly entering a locked vehicle or door
  • Car or person(s) repeatedly circling an area
  • A person(s) being forced into a vehicle
  • Strange(s) noises - arguing, yelling, gunshots, etc.
  • A person(s) exhibiting unusual mental or physical symptoms - person may be injured or under the influence of drugs
  • A person(s) who photographs, videotapes, sketches or asks detailed questions about power plants, buildings, bridges, hospitals, utility infrastructure, etc
  • A person(s) who doesn't belong, gaining, or trying to gain access to a restricted area