Sexual Assault

Hazadapt guide:


OSU Department of Public Safety (737-7000 (emergency)   737-3010 (non-emergency)

Emergency Medical Response: Call 9-1-1

Center for Advocacy, Prevention & Education | Survivor Advocacy: 541-737-2030

Center Against Rape and Domestic Violence/Survivor Support: 541-754-0110

  1. React early - fight for your life, strike eyes, throat, and groin. Pull your attacker’s hair.
  2. Yell “Fire” to draw attention to you.
  3. Run away to a place where there are other people.
  4. Call the OSU Department of Public Safety (737-7000 (emergency), 737-3010 (non-emergency)
  5. Preserve evidence - do not wash your clothes, shower, douche, or clean the area where the crime was committed.


  • Check in with supervisor for access to OSU support systems


  • Try to avoid isolated or poorly lit areas. It is more difficult to get help if no one is around.
  • Walk with purpose. Even if you don’t know where you are going, act like you do.
  • Talk with a friend on the phone while walking.
  • Don't allow yourself to be isolated with someone who is crossing your boundaries, someone you don’t trust, or someone you don’t know very well.
  • Avoid putting music headphones in both ears and/or being overly focused on your phone so that you can be more aware of your surroundings, especially if you are walking alone. Perpetrators look for perceived vulnerabilities in their potential targets.


  • Be aware of your surroundings. Knowing where you are and who is around you may help you to find a way to get out of a bad situation.
  • Trust your instincts. If a situation or location feels unsafe or uncomfortable, consider how you can remove yourself.
  • Try to think of an escape route. How would you try to get out of the room or area? Are there people around who might be able to help you? Is there an emergency phone nearby?