Emergency: Call OSU Department of Public Safety (737-7000 (emergency), 737-3010 (non-emergency)
Evacuation Guidance.docx
When you receive the notice to evacuate the building, or you decide to evacuate due to a nearby danger:
Immediately obey evacuation alarms and orders to evacuate.
If time allows and without endangering yourself,
Place equipment in a safe configuration
Close doors and windows
Inform others in your vicinity of the current situation
Take any personal items you may need
Leave the building - do not use elevators.
Use the nearest, safest exit
Warn others as you evacuate, but do not delay your own evacuation
All personnel are to exit the building
Assist persons with mobility or other evacuation concerns
Take your cell phone, valuables, and evacuation kit (if one is available) with you.
Proceed outside the building to the evacuation assembly area. All personnel should move as far away from the building as practical, so as not to be in danger or in the way of emergency responders. (minimum 50 feet away)
If the evacuation assembly area is not suitable, follow the directions of the Building Manager or Floor monitor to move to another area
In the event of an earthquake, the evacuation assembly area may be too close to buildings or other objects that could fall. Move to the nearest open space/field to assemble.
Conduct accountability for personnel under your supervision.
Wait for official notice before attempting to re-enter the building.
Report problems or concerns to the College/School/Department name Leadership.
Classroom / Lab Instructors
Identify an assembly point 50 feet from the building
Direct the class to exit through the nearest safest exit
Assign two individuals for each student with disabilities to assist in their safe evacuation from the building
Check the classroom/lab area to ensure evacuation is complete prior to exiting the area
Once outside, check to see that no one is missing. Report status to a floor monitor or building manager.
Building Manager /College point of contact
Take clipboard with check-sheet, building map and cell phone/radio and report to the Evacuation Area
Gather accountability status from Floor Monitors
Forward accountability information to the Fire Department Incident Commander.
Maintain order at Evacuation Area-provide periodic incident updates to personnel
When the Incident Commander (IC) have given the "All Clear," ensure all personnel at the Evacuation Area are made aware of the message
Primary Floor Monitor and B/U Floor Monitor
Take clipboard with check-sheet, building map and cell phone/radio
Conduct "Accountability Check" (negative or positive (depending upon procedure)) within area of responsibility:
Sweep designated area (including bathrooms, closed doors, etc.)
Notify building occupants to evacuate building
Report accountability for area of responsibility to Building Manager
Identify if persons needing assistance are still inside building
Monitor building access points to prevent re-occupation
Report to Evacuation Area and assist Building Manager as necessary
Persons with disabilities or others with evacuation concerns
Offer to guide blind or low-vision persons through hallways and down stairways
For those who are deaf or hard-of-hearing, most buildings have strobe alarms and folks will know what to do. If strobes do not exist, gain their attention and write a note telling them of the situation
Wheelchair users or those with mobility disabilities, if not on the ground floor, should seek a room/office with a solid door (if possible) and window.
Notify others who are evacuating to inform responders of your location
Communicate with responders. Call OSU Public Safety (737-7000)
Place a cloth or clothing at the window to attract responder attention.
Do not break the window if it does not open. This creates a draft that will draw the fire/smoke towards you.
Check in with [College/School/Department name] leadership to determine response status
Do not enter a building until allowed to do so
Once entering the building, inspect your work area and report any issues
Follow Evacuation planning policy and procedures, as outlined in the Oregon State University (OSU) Safety Policy and Procedure manual http://oregonstate.edu/fa/manuals/saf/204
Identify personnel who are to remain to operate critical plant operations prior to evacuation and develop detailed instructions that include evacuation threshold criteria
Identify personnel who are responsible for rescue or emergency aid.
Have a representative participate on the Building Manager’s Evacuation Committee to assist with planning and identifying areas of concern
Learn where the closest two evacuation points are
Learn where the evacuation assembly point is
Learn where fire alarm pull stations are in your area
Learn where emergency equipment is located, in the event you have to take it with you as you evacuate
Pre-identify personnel who may have existing conditions that necessitate assistance during an emergency or evacuation.
Report to [College/School/Department name] Director any obstructions or limitations to the evacuation routes
Do not block open fire doors.
Develop an evacuation kit or identify items to take with you as you evacuate
Appropriate footwear
Emergency contact numbers
Review your workplace and identify areas that must be addressed before evacuating
Valuables that must be locked
Gases that must be turned off
Apparatus that need to be placed into a safe configuration
Create position specific duties for staff members to perform and train staff members (e.g. HR record security, cashbox, instrument security/shutdown)
Review building specific emergency or evacuation plans