What to do if taken hostage:
- Be patient. Time is on your side. Avoid drastic action.
- The first 45 minutes are the most dangerous. Be alert and follow instructions.
- Do not speak unless spoken to and then only when necessary.
- Avoid arguments, or appearing hostile. Treat the captor with respect. If you can, establish a rapport with the captor. It is probable the captors do not want to hurt anyone. If medications, first aid, or restroom privileges are needed by anyone, say so.
- Try to rest. Avoid speculating. Expect the unexpected.
- Be observant. You may be released or escape. You can help others with your observations.
- Be prepared to speak to law enforcement personnel on the phone.
- Be prepared to be interviewed by officials
- Contact your supervisor to seek counseling services
- Do not stand out – change your clothing or jewelry that may be inappropriate or culturally insensitive. Blend in
- Avoid threatening or offensive gestures/comments when provoked
- Don’t wear headphones or be occupied by your cell phone in non-familiar places
- Safeguard your schedule to avoid others predicting where you will be
- Change your routine
- Change your route of travel
- Be aware of how others may perceive you or how much attention you draw to yourself
- Be familiar with your surroundings as you travel. Know where police stations or public areas are.
- Try to avoid using ATMs at night
- Walk and talk with confidence.
- Be part of a group
- Carry your bags across your chest and under your arm
- Carry little cash with you
- Be aware of others around you or expressing an interest in your activity.