Fire Department: Call 9-1-1
OSU Radiation Safety: Call 541-737-2227
OSU Environmental Health and Safety: Call 541-713-7233 (SAFE)
OSU Department of Public Safety (737-7000 (emergency) 737-3010 (non-emergency)
Work Coordination Center: 541-737-2969 (routine, non-emergency service)
- Evacuate area if health risk exists.
- Administer first aid if properly trained.
- Notify OSU Radiation Safety
- Notify 9-1-1 (if needed).
- Contain spill if safe to do so.
Additional information:
Spreading of radioactive material beyond the spill area can easily occur by movement of personnel involved in the spill, or clean-up effort. Prevent spread by confining movement of personnel until they have been monitored and found free of contamination. A minor radioactive material spill is one that the laboratory is capable of handling safely without the assistance of safety, or emergency personnel. All other radioactive releases are considered major.
Minor Radioactive Material Spill:
- Alert people in the immediate area of the spill.
- Notify Radiation Safety
- Wear protective equipment, including safety goggles, disposable gloves, shoe covers, and long sleeve lab coat.
- Place absorbent paper towels over liquid spill. Place towels dampened with water over solid material.
- Monitor area, hands, and shoes for contamination with and appropriate survey meter, or method.
Major Radioactive Spill:
- Attend to injured or contaminated persons and remove them from exposure.
- Have potentially contaminated personnel stay in one area until they have been monitored and shown to be free of contamination.
- Alert persons in laboratory to evacuate. Do not cross potentially contaminated paths. Personnel that think they are contaminated should segregate themselves from non-contaminated personnel.
- Notify 9-1-1, if needed
- Notify OSU Radiation Safety
- Close doors and prevent entrance into effected area.
- Have personnel knowledgeable of incident and laboratory assist emergency response personnel.
- Follow Radiation Safety guidance spill response procedures to clean up
- Report spills to Environmental Health and Safety for assistance with regulatory reporting
- Store all radioactive liquids in secondary containment
- Perform work in spill containment trays and/or on benches lined with plastic-backed absorbent paper
- Review radiation response plan
- Remain current in Radiation Safety Training